The Quartet can’t get the Jews and Palestinians to make peace, and as such, the U.N. will have to decide whether or not to approve a Palestinian State this September. The Obama Administration wants Israel to divide its land and recede back to its pre-1967 borders but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says no way.
On May 24, 2011, before the U.S. Congress, Netanyahu declared that the land in question was not up for grabs. Summarily, Netanyahu addressed several key points relative to Israeli demands for peace,
1. Jerusalem WILL be the undivided capital of the Jewish State,
2. Millions of Palestinian Refugees WON'T be returning inside Israel,
3. The Palestinians MUST recognize Israel's right to exist as the sovereign Jewish State,
4. The Hamas – Fatah unity agreement MUST be abolished,
5. Palestinian unilateral attempts at Statehood through the United Nations MUST cease,
6. Israel maintains the RIGHT to defensible borders,
7. The Israeli demographic population changes since 1967 MUST be accepted, and
8. Israel WILL monitor Palestinian organizations and operations for national security purposes.
No one expects the Palestinians to approve of Netanyahu's laundry list of needs above. According to Genesis 12:3, Obama’s pressure could prove to be a costly mistake for Americans. War or peace; what’s next in the Middle East? And, what’s in store for America’s future?
Listen Now to this timely discussion. (Part One)
Listen Now to (Part Two)