Find out new information about the distinct differences between Psalm 83, the climactic concluding Arab invasion of Israel, and Ezekiel 38 & 39, the Russian - Iranian led nuclear equipped attack against Israel. According to Bible prophecy both episodes appear about to occur! Could this be why Israel is presently preparing for a multi-front war Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas?
In part one Bill discusses the interim prophecies that occurred between 70 A.D. and May 14, 1948, when the Jewish State was rebirthed. He then goes on to discuss some of the major world changing prophecies likely to occur in this century! Then Bill reminds the listeners of what's next in the Middle East.
Many prophecy scholars like Joel Rosenberg, the author of Epicenter, Chuck Smith, the founder of Calvary Chapels, and Joseph Chambers, the founder of Paw Creek Ministries, believe that the Ezekiel 38 & 39 invasion is about to occur, and they are absolutely right! The Ezekiel invasion is NEAR, but is it NEXT? Listen now to find out for yourselves, what is likely to happen very SOON in the MIDDLE EAST!
Part One
Part Two