Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Does Prophecy Declare the DOOM of DAMASCUS?

END TIME’S BIRTH PANGS! Just Posted Part 2 of the Prophecy Update Radio interview between Bill Salus and Jack Kinsella. In this riveting interview the end time’s birth pangs are discussed beginning with rebirth of the Jewish State on to the last days DECEPTION JESUS CHRIST warned about. Jack Kinsella says many current events have prophetic implications and are occurring at an alarming pace.

LISTEN NOW to find out what the end time’s indicators are! PART 1 PART 2


Bible Prophecy on the Web said...

Two separate Battles separated by the Millennium -

Ezekiel 38 speaks of two battles, the battle of Armageddon AND the battle of Gog and Magog.

The battle of Armageddon is a PLAGUE event occurring just prior to the Millennium. The battle of Gog and Magog occurs AFTER the Millennium.

To conclude: The battle of Armageddon and the battle of Gog and Magog are two separate events separated by a 1000 years, the Millennium.

Patricia (© 2008) Bible Prophecy on the Web

Bill Salus said...

Dear BP on the web regarding your belief on the timing of the Magog invasion, below is an excerpt on the subject out of Dr. Rhodes book Northern Storm Rising.

Of course, as expected, many have cited problems with this interpretation. Among them:

The chronology is all wrong. The invasion described by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 38—39 is part of a larger section of Ezekiel’s book which deals with the restoration of Israel (chapters 33—39). This is followed by another large section of Ezekiel’s book which describes the Jewish millennial temple and the restoration of sacrifices (chapters 40—48). In other words, Ezekiel’s invasion is before the millennial kingdom. By contrast, the invasion described in Revelation 20:7-10 takes place at the end of the millennial kingdom, and hence these invasions are separated by a thousand years.

In keeping with the above, the invasion prophesied by Ezekiel is immediately followed by the establishment of the millennial kingdom (Ezekiel 40—48), whereas the invasion prophesied in Revelation 20:7-10 is immediately followed by the establishment of the eternal state (Revelation 21).

The seven months required to bury dead bodies doesn’t make sense in a scenario at the end of the millennial kingdom. Think about it. In this scenario, the Israelites spend seven hard months burying the wicked dead who invaded them. Immediately following this, according to the book of Revelation, these same wicked dead are resurrected in order to take part in the Great White Throne judgment and be thrown into the lake of fire. It doesn’t make sense. Besides, Revelation 20:9 tells us that “fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” There won’t be any bodies left to bury since they’ll all be incinerated.

The next event in the book of Revelation after the Great White Throne judgment is the beginning of the eternal state (Revelation 21). This naturally brings up the problem of the burning of weapons for seven years. If this invasion takes place at the end of the millennial kingdom, then the burning of weapons would have to go beyond the millennial kingdom and into the eternal state, which doesn’t make any sense at all. In fairness, some proponents of this view, such as J. Paul Tanner, suggest that perhaps there is an interlude between the end of the millennium and the beginning of the eternal state. How long would the interlude be? “In all honesty we do not know how much time there may be, but there is nothing in the text that would preclude a period of seven years in which the weapons of war could be burned.”

In the Ezekiel invasion, a coalition of localized nations (Russia and a number of Muslim nations) invade from the north. In the invasion at the end of the millennium, it is an international army—“the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth”—that participate in this battle (Revelation 20:8).

The invasion mentioned in Revelation 20:9 is “up on the broad plain” and against “the camp of the saints.” By contrast, the invasion prophesied by Ezekiel takes place on the mountains of Israel (Ezekiel 39:2; 38:16).

The invasion prophesied by Ezekiel occurs relatively soon after Israel’s rebirth and the ingathering of Jewish people from around the world (Ezekiel 36—37). The invasion mentioned in Revelation 20:7-10, by contrast, occurs after Jesus has been reigning on earth for a thousand years.

Rapture Forums said...

Good points Bill. I believe that the Ezekiel 38-39 event happens before the Tribulation period. I think that as a result of that battle it spiritually awakens the Jews and they want to build what we call the Third Temple.

With Islam and it's followers in the way of building a third Temple, another aspect of the Ezekiel 38-39 war is that it will basically remove this opposition once the Islamists see that God is intervening for the Jews. This pre-tribulation event can also satisfy the 7 months of burying the dead as well as spending 7 years bruning the weapons for fuel, heat, etc.

Keep up the good work Bil!! :-)
